I’m happy you’re here.

Please spend some time with any of these pieces of work that you are drawn to.

Carve out some time for yourself to be with what I am sharing and reflect on the lessons contained within and beyond my words and what they mean for you.

My writing includes my own personal learnings and insights, born out of a deep curiosity to live life to the full. By this, I no longer mean GO GO GO!! “Living life to the full” used to mean that to me. And there is nothing wrong with that if you want it.

For me now, it means to fully embrace and be with ALL of life, whatever it offers.

And to become masterful in how I create my experience of my time here on earth.

To surrender to each moment I am gifted, no matter how uncomfortable some of them are, and within that surrendering, to embody the creative and resourceful and powerful agency I have within me, and that I AM, in order to create a life I am in love with living now. When I stopped resisting, I was set free to live!


Why Would I Hire A Coach?

Dear Coach,

You have been the largest investment I have made in one payment. Ever. More than the deposit on my home. More than any other coaching programme. And yet you were also the easiest yes. The moment you spoke these words…

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What do you see when you look at yourself?

One of the things I love doing for people is holding their hand and championing them when they don’t yet see the light for themselves.

Sitting in the vantage point of fear, it is easy to get stuck in in-decision, stuck in what if’s and stuck in catastrophizing.

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Feelings Are Not Facts

Where in your life are you experiencing fear and believing it to be true? We can get so caught up in the feeling of fear, it can feel so intense and it can come with REAL PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS that we get tricked by the feeling, into believing the story we are making up in our mind to be real.

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The Commitment To How You Want It To Be Is Everything

“How did you live when you were on holiday?” He asked. – “Moment by moment, day by day. If I wanted to go in the sea, I’d go in the sea. If I wanted to go for dinner, I’d go for dinner. When I wanted a coffee, I had a coffee” I replied.

Then I realised something that has stuck with me ever since…

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Moving From Hurt To Love.

In my morning meditation I was reflecting on an inquiry I am working on with my coach... love and hurt as partners.

I've been reluctant to get into a relationship for a while now. If you'd have asked me I would have said otherwise, I would have said "I'm open, I'm ready!" I would have had lots of evidence to support it too, places where I could prove I was in action, "I've been on dates, I have online profiles, I'm always the one that asks the guy out"

Yet there has been this constant hum of "hard to read" that

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Rewiring Your Mind For Success

You are only limited by your mind

The human mind is a powerful thing. It can change the world, cure diseases, and achieve great feats of strength and perseverance. Yet many of us aren’t aware of how it is innocently limiting us, or what we can do to release these limitations and think beyond our current belief system to access new, fresh, expansive solutions, ideas and results.

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Becoming Discouragement Proof

The invisible progress stage can be the hardest stage to be in and it can feel disheartening if we choose to allow it to, when we’re really in our work, our conversations, our commitments, we’re doing good stuff and moving the needle, and it’s just not quite coming together to see the result we want.

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Daily Meetings With Myself

Each morning I take a meeting with myself.

I meet myself exactly where I am. No need to be anywhere else. I I look to see what’s alive inside of me. I look at what thoughts and judgements, fears and feelings I’m experiencing. I notice what is present in me and I look for the meaning in the story that is creating my experience.

I just meet myself there and I sit and I notice and I meet myself with love and I gently inquire as to what’s important about this for me.

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Build a business without burning out.

I was asked this week to share more about my recharge weeks. Why I do them, how I use the time and what they look like.

A recharge week is a name given to one week every month that I can take off and spend however I choose.

As someone who really struggled to take time out of their business, and always felt like

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Creating From Love - The Spirit of Granville Island.

I spent a few hours yesterday wandering around a place here in Vancouver called Granville Island.

Soaking up the little quirky gift shops and the art galleries. There was something very inspiring about the energy of this tiny island I feel will be included in the next part of my journey.

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As I continue to cultivate my life, more writing will appear in this space as and when I am drawn to share.

If my writing has touched, changed or inspired you, or if you have a topic you would love me to cover, feel free to reach out.

I’d love to hear what’s happening in your world.